OD 2 pOD 2 p



236 pics
Run time 41min

A lonely Erin sits in her den making friends with snow white getting higher and higher until a full cardiac arrest takes her life. The Emt’s crash in and start resuscitating her without delay. They place the AED and CPR block on her chest and shock her heart time and again. CPR and drugs are pushed to recover a pulse. Erin is still in critical condition and hooked up to the high concentration mask to help her breath. The Emt’s loose her pulse again but they continue to work on her until they finally get her heart back and are prepared to transport. Now in the ER. April checks her BP and lets her know the damage she has done but before she can get the words out of her mouth Erin’s heart fails again and the staff rushes in. CPR is started as Erin’s lifeless body is turned to hook up the cardioversion pads. Her body jumps with the jolts falling limp on the CPR board with a flatline ringing in the background. The staff tries everything they can to bring her back.

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